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Knee Replacement Surgery in Singapore

Knee Replacement Surgery in Singapore is safe, reliable and effective in treating severe knee pain that has failed other treatment options.

Discover cutting-edge robotic knee replacement options at Hip & Knee Orthopaedics, Singapore. Our clinic boasts the latest, proven implants with robust registry data, accommodating most Shield Panels and Corporate Insurances, all within MOH fee benchmarks.

Let us help you with your knee pain!

Knee Replacement Surgery Singapore
Total Knee Arthroplasty: Patient Guide

Understanding Knee Arthroplasty

This comprehensive guide is your one-stop shop for everything you need to know before, during, and after your artificial knee joint procedure. It covers everything from preparing for surgery to managing your recovery, so you can feel confident and informed every step of the way. Read it thoroughly and make sure you’re well-prepared before the surgery!
Happy Reading…

What is Total Knee Replacement?

Total Knee Replacement, medically known as arthroplasty, is a procedure undertaken to replace a knee joint that has been damaged, typically due to osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or traumatic injury. This surgery is essential for patients experiencing severe pain, stiffness, and a significant reduction in mobility and quality of life.
The procedure involves surgically removing the damaged joint surfaces and replacing them with artificial components, known as prostheses. These prostheses are designed to mimic the function of a healthy knee, aiming to restore mobility and alleviate pain.

What are the types of Orthopaedic Knee Surgery?

Knee revitalization surgeries are categorized based on the extent of the knee joint involved. The four primary types are

  1. Total knee replacement (TKR)
  2. Partial knee replacement (PKR)
  3. Revision Knee Replacement
  4. Robotic knee replacement

Total knee replacement (TKR)

Total Knee Replacement (TKR) involves replacing the knee’s damaged cartilage and bone with a prosthesis, primarily focusing on the femur and tibia, and occasionally the patella. This predominant form of joint replacement surgery aims to restore joint functionality, often eliminating the need for future operations.

When is TKR Needed?

Total Knee Replacement is recommended for severe, multi-compartmental arthritis causing significant pain and mobility issues unrelieved by other treatments.

Partial knee replacement (PKR)

Partial Knee Replacement (PKR) involves replacing bone ends on just one side of the knee, offering a less invasive alternative to TKR with quicker recovery, suitable for unilateral knee damage.

When is PKR Needed?

Partial Knee Replacement is advised for patients with osteoarthritis limited to one knee compartment, particularly when non-surgical treatments prove insufficient and knee alignment is mostly preserved.

Revision Knee Replacement

Revision Knee Replacement, a sophisticated procedure, addresses failed, loosened, or infected knee prostheses, demanding intricate techniques and specialized planning due to complexities like bone loss and scar tissue.

When is Revision Surgery Needed?

Revision Knee Replacement is required for failed previous surgeries due to wear, infection, loosening, or persistent post-operative pain.

Robotic Knee Replacement

Robotic Knee Replacement utilizes advanced robotics for heightened precision and accuracy in surgery, enabling pre-planned, 3D model-assisted procedures that enhance implant positioning and potentially improve post-operative knee movement and prosthesis longevity.

When is Robotic Surgery Needed?

Robotic Knee Replacement, suitable for both partial and total procedures, provides superior precision in implant placement, crucial for surgeries demanding exact alignment and positioning.

Type of Surgery Description When is it Needed? Differences and Requirements
Total Knee Replacement (TKR) Replaces all damaged cartilage and bone with a prosthesis. Severe arthritis affecting multiple knee compartments, significant pain and mobility issues. More extensive surgery, longer recovery, suitable for advanced degeneration.
Partial Knee Replacement (PKR) Replaces the ends of bones on one side of the knee. Osteoarthritis confined to a single compartment, no relief from non-surgical treatments, intact knee alignment. Less invasive, quicker recovery, not suitable for extensive arthritis or deformity.
Revision Knee Replacement Replaces or repairs a failed, loose, or infected implant. Previous knee replacement failure due to wear, infection, or loosening, persistent pain after initial surgery. More complex, needs specialized implants and techniques, and requires surgeon expertise.
Robotic Knee Replacement Uses robotic systems for enhanced precision and accuracy. Partial or total knee replacement is the crucial need for accurate implant placement. Advanced technology, specialized equipment and surgeon training, potentially better outcomes.

Some other alternatives are:

  • Arthroscopy 
  • Microfracture
  • Osteotomy 
  • Bilateral Knee Replacement
  • Revision Knee Replacement
  • Robotic-Assisted Knee Replacement

Use the Knee Pain Location Chart to identify the cause of your knee pain and its type.

Which type of knee Surgery is right for you?

Every type of orthopaedic surgery has its risks and benefits. This decision of option any surgery depends on the extent of your knee damage. If you have damage to all three compartments of your knee joint, a TKR is likely the best option. If only one side of your knee is damaged then Partial knee replacement (PKR) will work.
The following factors also play a significant role in your decision:

  1. Your age
  2. Your activity level
  3. Your overall health

The goal of surgery is to improve your quality of life. So, do not make any decisions on your own. Find knee replacement surgery options in Singapore. Consult the best orthopaedic surgeon in Singapore and make an informed decision. Also, read about Why And When Patients Should Consider A Knee Replacement before making any decision.

When should patients consider knee replacement? Indications for Knee Replacement

The surgery is advised when other treatments fail to relieve symptoms that significantly impair quality of life. It is performed with proper precaution. Before surgery, your doctor will discuss all the necessary details with you. Before that, the following information might help you:
Most commonly, patients above 50 years of age suffer from knee pain due to osteoarthritis. In some cases, inflammatory arthritis may cause accelerated damage to the knee joint. Most patients are initiated on a conservative treatment plan which includes analgesic medications, weight loss, and physiotherapy. However, not all patients will respond to treatment. If severe knee pain continues to bother you, surgery may be necessary.
Knee replacement should be considered if patients suffer the following:

  1. Severe Knee Pain: Affecting daily activities like walking, climbing stairs, and even resting.
  2. Moderate to Severe Arthritis: Diagnosed osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or post-traumatic arthritis causing joint damage.
  3. Knee Stiffness and Deformity: Marked limitation in knee movement or visible deformity.
  4. Failure of Other Treatments: Ineffectiveness of medications, physical therapy, or less invasive surgeries.

You should discuss your condition with an orthopaedic specialist and know all the dos and don’ts of a fit lifestyle when you have knee pain.

Related Information - FAQs

The average cost of a knee replacement in a private hospital inclusive of all fees is around $35000. The cost will vary depending on the hospital.

The major advantages are:

  • You find well-trained and experienced knee reconstruction surgeons.
  • You'll find the same doctor each visit you see at the first clinic consult.
  • The waiting time for total knee replacement in a private hospital is usually less.

It results in a rise in the level of well-being. It helps to ease pain and improves function. Most patients get back to their active lifestyle after total knee replacement.

Complications are  rare after joint replacement surgery for knee replacement. It is considered as a safe procedure. Also, It is a fact that like any surgery, it carries a small  level of risk. The degree of risk associated with this surgery can vary from person to person and depends on several factors. We will be able to advise you about the risks of this procedure.

There is no ideal age for total Knee Prosthesis Implantation in Singapore. You may consider knee replacement if it is difficult for you to sit, walk, or perform other activities without experiencing knee pain. 

Though, according to observation, the majority of knee replacement patients are between the ages of 50 and 70

Yes, Most patients can achieve full recovery and function after a total knee replacement.  The recovery period after surgery varies from person to person. Several factors come into play, such as the patient’s age, overall health, and the type of joint replacement surgery they underwent. However, Medical News Today reports that most patients can expect to return to normal daily activities within 6 to 12 weeks post-surgery. The timeline extends further for strenuous sports such as hiking or heavy lifting. It usually takes about 3 to 6 months for patients to resume these activities, and again, only after approval from a healthcare provider.

Screening for New Patients

We have assembled some packages to help our new patients.

Single Knee


Evaluation of Knee Pain with X-ray

Includes the following done on the same day:
X-ray single knee – weightbearing AP, lateral, skyline view; and
Review in clinic after X-ray
(Exclusive of GST)
Both Knees


Evaluation of Knee Pain with X-ray

Includes the following done on the same day:
Xray both knee – weightbearing AP, lateral, skyline view; and
Review in clinic after X-ray
(Exclusive of GST)

How to Prepare Yourself for Knee Replacement?

The preparation for knee replacement is simple. You just have to know about essentials. 

  • Consult Your Doctor: Clear all doubts about the surgery, understand the procedure, and discuss medication adjustments, especially for blood thinners.
  • Healthy Diet and Lifestyle: Prioritize a nutritious diet, reduce smoking and alcohol, and strengthen your core and leg muscles. Eat more veggies because vegan eating affects Knees.
  • Prepare Your Home: Make safety adjustments like slip-proofing the bathroom and decluttering living spaces.
  • Handle Paperwork: Ensure all insurance and medical forms are completed and submitted.
  • Skin and Health Care: Avoid new skin products on the knee area and stay alert for any health changes like fever or cold symptoms. Schedule vaccinations, if any, appropriately.
  • Arrange Support: Plan for someone to assist you after surgery, especially if you live alone.
  • Pre-Surgery Checklist: Confirm hospital details, adhere to fasting guidelines, and have a good rest the night before surgery.
  • Pack Appropriately: Bring comfortable clothing, slip-on shoes, and necessary personal items to the hospital.

Some Other Precautions:

  • Stopping blood-thinning medications and TCM herbs 2 weeks before surgery.
  • Stop smoking as soon as possible.
  • No eating or drinking 6 hours before surgery.

Table: Preparation Checklist for Knee Surgery

Preparation Aspect Details Hip & Knee Orthopaedics’ Approach
Medical Evaluation Health assessment, blood tests Comprehensive health check to ensure suitability for surgery
Medication Review Adjust/discontinue certain drugs Tailored advice based on individual medication profiles
Physical Preparation Pre-surgery exercises Customized exercise plans to strengthen knee and surrounding muscles
Home Planning Safety and convenience adjustments in living space Guidance on creating a recovery-friendly home environment
Diet and Lifestyle Healthy eating, no smoking, limited alcohol Lifestyle recommendations for optimal surgical outcomes
Pre-Surgery Education Learning about the procedure and recovery Providing detailed information to prepare patients mentally and physically

Well-informed and well-prepared patients are key to successful Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA).

What Happens Generally During knee joint replacement surgery?

Before the surgery begins, the patient is administered either general or spinal anesthesia to ensure their comfort. Once the anesthesia takes effect, we meticulously cleanse the skin surrounding the knee with a powerful antiseptic fluid. To maintain stability and precision throughout the procedure, we position the lower leg and foot in a specialized device that securely immobilizes them at a 90-degree angle.

Usually, a tourniquet is then applied to the upper portion of the leg to help slow the flow of blood during the surgery. An incision of appropriate size will then be made and the following steps will take place:

  1. Prepare the bone – The damaged cartilage surfaces at the ends of the femur and tibia are removed along with a small amount of underlying bone.
  2. Position the metal implants – The removed cartilage and bone are replaced with metal components that recreate the surface of the joint. These metal parts may be cemented or “press-fit” into the bone.
  3. Resurface the patella – The undersurface of the patella (kneecap) is cut and resurfaced with a plastic button. Some surgeons do not resurface the patella, depending on the case. Do discuss this with your surgeon if it is important to you.
  4. Insert a spacer – A medical-grade plastic spacer is inserted between the metal components to create a smooth gliding surface locked in place.

What are the complications of Total Knee Arthroplasty?

Undergoing knee replacement surgery can be life-changing, but it’s crucial to be aware of potential complications. Infections, though rare, can occur at the wound site or deeper near the implant. Blood clots in the leg veins are a common concern, posing risks like deep vein thrombosis. Sometimes, even with the best surgical hands, the new knee may continue to ache or feel stiff, limiting movement. Nerve damage around the operated area might cause numbness. On very rare occasions, patients may react to the metal in the implant. 

“Remember, a thorough discussion with your surgeon and adhering to post-op care can significantly minimize these risks.”

Also, learn the Effective Ways to protect your knees when you run and avoid risks.

Knee Replacement Recovery Care

The replacement of a knee is a big procedure. It needs a lot of time and effort to recover either its TNR or PKR. You cannot stay for so long at the hospital. So, the majority of your recovery will take place at your home. You have to take care of even your  Sitting Postures After Knee Replacement because it all matters. Here are some important parts of your home rehabilitation care. Remember these tips and take proper care of yourself:

  1. Pain management – the doctor will prescribe pain medication to help manage your pain.  Take your medication as directed.
  2. RICE Rest → Ice →Compression →Elevation. Use this method to help reduce swelling and knee pain management. 
  3. Exercise Start physical therapy shortly after surgery. Rehabilitation exercises aid in speedy recovery. It will give strength to your knee. Also, read about Gluteus Medius Exercises for Knee Pain
  4. Diet Eat a healthy diet. It will help you heal and maintain your weight. Also, add plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to your diet.
  5. Hydration Stay hydrated. It is very important for your health and can help with healing. Drink plenty of water and other fluids.
  6. Incision care Keep your incision clean and dry.
  7. Follow-up appointments Never miss your follow-up appointment. 

Always follow these tips and ensure a smooth recovery from a knee replacement procedure. But remember that you always need to consult a knee specialist before making any decision.

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Dr Adrian Lau

Orthopaedic Surgery Specialist

Dr Adrian Lau is a specialist orthopaedic surgeon trained in primary and complex hip and knee arthroplasty.

Dr Tan Sok Chuen

Orthopaedic Surgery Specialist

Dr Tan is an orthopaedic doctor with subspecialty training in hip and knee surgery – making her the first female hip and knee replacement surgeon in Singapore.

Our Clinic

38 Irrawaddy Road,
Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre,
#09-21/38, Singapore 329563

Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 9 am to 5 pm
Saturday: 9am to 1pm
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays